European Green Capital

The European Green Capital Award had been launched in 2010 by the European Commission in order to encourage cities to become greener and cleaner and improve the quality of their inhabitants. 

The award is given to the European city that proves its environmental record. The first award was given to Stockholm in 2010. 

What is the process?

The main criteria for a city to gain the European Green Capital award are:

  • The city should achieve high environmental standards; 
  • It is committed to ongoing and ambitious goals for environmental improvements and sustainable development; 
  • Inspiration for other cities and promotion of best practices to all European cities. 

Who is eligible to be candidate? 

All European cities that have more than 100,000 inhabitants are eligible to be candidates for European Green Capital. It is important to mention that candidates can be all EU Member States, EU candidate countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. 

Some of the indicators for the assessment are the transportation of a city, the local contribution to global climate change, green urban areas, nature and biodiversity, energy performance, water consumption etc. 

Winner City of 2022 

The European Green Capital for 2022 is officially the French city of Grenoble. 

Grenoble gained the title for several reasons. For instance, it is the first French local authority to adopt a Climate Plan and also adopted urban policies to address pollution and biodiversity loss making Grenoble France’s largest low emission zone (e.g. apply the 30km speed limit through the city). 

Some facts about Grenoble:

  • In 2022, Grenoble will produce the equivalent of its inhabitants’ consumption in renewable, zero-carbon, zero-nuclear energy. 
  • It is the France’s top city for bicycle commuting. 
  • Grenoble has planted more than 5500 trees since 2014. 
  • More than 200,000 inhabitants already recycle their food waste, or at home to make compost 🡪 100% of inhabitants by 2022. 

To find out more about the European Green Capital and the winner for 2022 see the links below:




Η υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για την παραγωγή αυτής της έκδοσης δε συνιστά έγκριση του περιεχομένου, καθώς αντικατοπτρίζει τις απόψεις μόνο των συγγραφέων και η Επιτροπή δεν μπορεί να θεωρηθεί υπεύθυνη για οποιαδήποτε χρήση μπορεί να γίνει των πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτή 2020-1-LT01-KA204-077953

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